Charter of Responsibility

  • Check all glassware/containers thoroughly to ensure no damage or hairline fractures,
  • Follow any recommendations on the amount of fragrance/dye to use,
  • Test burn candles and keep a diary of burn times and burn characteristics,
  • Make sure every combination of candles made are tested to ensure clean, safe burns,
  • If any changes are made to a candle – if the wick size is changed, if the amount fragrance is changed or if the glass size is changed the candle needs to be tested again,
  •  Familiarize yourself with what constitutes a ‘safe’ burning candle,
  • Educate yourself and provide education for your customers on safe burning practices,
  • Avoid refilling glassware. You cannot be certain how the glass has been treated during cleaning or shipping,
  • Provide written safety instructions on all products to prevent damage to property or person.